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Frank Morris. 13 March 2025
Clipper Days: Men at large on top of the world!
Four men were tugging at the topsail masthead of an 1883 clipper. They were doing their job. The ship was travelling north, following the sun. All sails are at the ready. The men looked around them; they felt on top of the world.
The clipper started to rock and sway. The sea was becoming wild. Sunny Palestine was miles away; that was where the clipper was heading to leave its cargo of ivory and other valuable knick-knacks like firewood and ironware.
C A R G O E S !
Rowing home to haven in sunny Palestine
With a cargo of ivory,
And apes and peacocks
Sandalwood, cedarwood and sweet white wine.
- John Masefield
Dame Elisabeth Murdoch: A love story that began many years ago!
Dame Elisabeth Murdoch … In 1952, Dame Elisabeth’s world had stopped.
Elisabeth had claimed the heart of Melbourne's most eligible bachelor.
“He was a man of some reputation. Keith Murdoch. By the time of their marriage in 1928 Keith Murdoch was managing editor of the Melbourne Herald Sun and a familiar figure in the corridors of power both in Canberra and in London, said Andrew Denton.
“At 42 he had already made the Murdoch name one to be reckoned with. In 1952, Elisabeth Murdoch's world had stopped. The death of Sir Keith Murdoch made headlines around the world.
“At 43, this mother of four children had no choice but to start life over. Yet for her it had been clear from an early age what she was supposed to do. She had walked with monarchs and dined with the leaders of her age.
“Though her family name is considered one of the most powerful in the world, she has lived a life of service. And beneath it all lies a love story that not even death has been able to diminish.
“A love story that began many years ago for the remarkable Dame Elisabeth Murdoch.
Denton: You were born lucky. “I don’t think so. I was married to a man that I loved deeply.”
Was it love at first sight?
Yes. Definitely.
That remarkable night where you first met? Do you...
Yes [laugh].
Still, still clear to you?
Yes, absolutely.
Can you describe to me that meeting?
Well, we were out at a dance and we were introduced but I was with another escort so I didn't dance with him but I was struck by his strong, strong eyes and I kept sort of looking and the next day he rang and asked me if I would go out with him to Portsea and I said, "Yes".
I got into terrible trouble. My family said nobody should go out with a man so much older than herself and so forth.
What makes a great marriage, a good marriage?
“You must work at it. I learnt a lot
from Keith; tolerance for one thing. And tolerance is
especially important.”
Anyway, next time he asked me to go I had to tell him and he said, "Well, if I can get a chaperone," so he got a chaperone. And it wasn't long before we were allowed to be engaged but it took a bit of doing and it caused quite a stir -- you know.
Keith was 42, I think, I was 19 and we were allowed to get married. So, I'm so grateful that we had nearly 25 years of such happiness in which we had those four lovely children and no, I think I was born lucky.
What makes a great marriage, a good marriage?
Well, to begin with, you've got to work hard at it. You've got to not only have great love but you've got to have respect and I think respect is enormously important and I certainly had a lot of respect for my Keith. I learnt a lot from him. I learnt tolerance for one thing and tolerance is especially important.
I was never indulgent with them because my husband was inclined to be a bit indulgent so I had to swing the other way. [laugh.].
<< Adapted by Frank Morris. From The Elderly television show, in the 1990s. Dame Elisbeth Murdoch was born in 1909 and died in 2012.
Dame Elisabeth Murdoch: A vision
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