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Frank Morris. 11 December 2024
Countdown 50 years on - Good on you Molly!
Ian Molly Meldrum’s Countdown 50 On is a program filled with loads of live interviews and archival footage that take you back to a far-away time.
‘Molly’ Meldrum, seemingly, has become part of television history. Countdown’s started in 1974. Let’s go back to an article I wrote in 1987:
Ian ‘Molly” Meldrum, in his Stetson hat, and mumbling musical legend of Countdown fame.
Main: Countdown with Interviews and live footage.
It’s hard to imagine that Molly Meldrum existed before his 12 years with Countdown.
Born on a ship outside Aden in 1946, Meldrum, it is claimed, has contributed more to Australian rock n’ roll than almost any other pop personality.
He was weaned on showbusiness. His mother had worked in opera. He grew up in a household that reverberated with the sounds of musical comedy and the classics. His interest in rock music took off in 1964 when he became involved with a band who signed-off as The Flies!
That year, he dropped out of a law course at university and took a job in the public service, but it did not work out.
Molly interviews a future King.
He decided to devote his time to the most important thing in his life – surfing. For the next two years, he surfed constantly and worked only when it was necessary.
Throughout the sixties, Meldrum became heavily involved in record production, practiced as a journalist on GO-Set magazine, and teams up with Ross D Wylie to do the weekly program, Uptight.
He became GO-Set’s London correspondent.
His interview with John Lennon and Yoko Ono on the impending Beatles breakup up was not only a scoop for G-Set but front page news all over the world.
He joined Countdown in 1974 as a talent coordinator when the program was only 30 minutes. But, because of its of its popularity after only 6 shows, it was expanded to one hour.
Molly is developing a storyline for a mini-series and putting the finishing touches to his new one-hour music show, yet to named, for television.
<< Frank Morris. Syndication, 1987.
Madonna in Australia
Vale: Maggie Tabberer mixed it with the best
Maggie T died last Friday aged 87. She had a name you would not forget. Maggie (photo) was known for her “friendly outgoingness”. In the late 1970s, I worked with Maggie on a series of promotional events for an evening newspaper.
Years later, I was editing an inflight magazine and I asked Maggie what her favourite cocktail was. "This is what I wrote:"
“Television personality, fashion expert and businesswoman extraordinaire, Maggie Tabberer, somehow manages to find time in her hectic daily schedule to relax and enjoy a cocktail.
“And her favourite, she says, is the Margarita which, she “discovered” a few years go in Honolulu.
Maggie added: “The Margarita is addictive, delicious and, much to my regret, a bit fattening. But is so dddddddivine.” – FM.
GRAND YEARS. This is the final for this year. Grand Years is now published each month. Have a memorable Christmas and a Happy New Year! See you in January.
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